I have an account already

EMPLOYEES ONLY: I already have a VCE or VT employee account

If you are a VCE employee, you may log in here using your university login credentials (PID & PID Password). If you are a Virginia Tech employee, but have not previously created an account here, please hit Continue to create your employee participant account.  Questions may be sent to vceprograms@mail.ext.vt.edu.

Please be aware that using an internal (VCE or VT issued) Purchasing Card (P-Card) for payment on this registration site is prohibited for all employees.  Please contact vceprograms@mail.ext.vt.edu for instructions on making an internal departmental or unit payment for registration.

I already have a program participant account

If you have previously registered for a VCE program through this site and know your User Name and Password you may log in now.

If you do not know your User Name and Password but you have taken a class with Virginia Cooperative Extension, you are already in our system. If you know the email address in our system you can activate your account now using the "Forgot User Name" and "Forgot Password" links below.  Questions may be sent to vceprograms@mail.ext.vt.edu.

User name must begin with "vce-" and cannot contain spaces. Example: vce-joesmith

I am a new user

Please enter your primary email to continue.  You will select your username on the next screen.  A Password Setup email will be sent to you after you complete the checkout process.
Select one of the following options
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